Why Virtual teams? The Information Age Solution to Work

In this chapter we explain why the conventional way in which people work is coming unglued, how the fifty foot rule no longer applies, and how Virtual teams are the "peopleware" of the 21st century.

Until recently when you worked with someone you meant that you both were in the same place and in the same organization. That's no longer true. Now, in the Information Age people no longer must be in the same place to work together. Soon for most of us, the experience of crossing boundaries will be commonplace. We will be joined in the tasks, challenges, and opportunities of virtual teams.

We tell how Men's Health, Rolling Stone and Esquire cooperated and created a virtual team and won a major advertising contract. Also, how Sun Microsystems transformed its operation through virtual teams.


Principles of Virtual Teams:

These simple principles allow virtual teams to form quickly and solve complex problems.


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