Network Map of an Org Chart + Systems Diagram
Positions represent organizations and teams that are related in process chains as well as reporting structures. These two types of relationships are each implied in the other’s conventional way of charting the organization, but rarely brought together, as here.
Workflow functions at component level
Sub-organizations directly in internal process chain producing organization output
Resource functions at component level
Sub-organizations that provide services to whole organization

An organization’s overall purpose, it’s “business model” can be seen in the obvious (to an industry insider) relationships between its major components. It provides the strategy frame for an organization’s activities to succeed in it’s particular market.

One level down from the top, the senior leadership team, answers the question, “what do we do?” for the organization as a whole.

Two levels down from the top, the next tier of senior executives, first answers the question “how are we going to do it?” the role each function’s sub-organization will play in the overall organization’s strategic operating model. Depending on org size, this question is further divided through executive levels until it lands on a tactical team that directly executes work.