What Is the Organization Thinking?
Each era of civilization has been defined, constrained, and elevated by its signature form of communication: nomadic speech, agricultural writing, industrial printing, and the now-ubiquitous digital information age. Increasingly, all communications, sync and async, are passing through digital channels that mark their passage, and, often, retain all elements of an act (sender, receiver, channel-path, message). Human organizational memory has taken a huge leap in a few short decades, for better and for worse. Only appropriate realms of transparency and privacy will ensure the “better” use of our new digital power
Every organization link type implies a flow of information. Indeed, A reporting, B process, and C group relationships imply a D1 info flow as well as a D2 information return channel to their direction of impact, e.g., a subordinate supplies operating information to the boss, while the boss supplies decision information through the reporting-link-as-info-link
The actual information flows of the A-B-C links “to and fro” between 1° nodes can be mapped, e.g., analysis of email traffic between node pairs
Organizational reality for many positions is a very large number of relatively formal and important info exchanges, many on a repeating basis. There are many info pathways between positions that can be extracted from existing information systems

Mining massive information links

Email traffic is captured and can be related to specific senders (from) and receivers (to), along with the message that passed between them. A pattern of communication is revealed from analyzing a flow of messages, and a pattern of topics is revealed from analyzing the messages themselves. This is data mining in an organizational context
Privacy for people and small groups can be achieved by aggregating message mining across a number of positions. Boundaries of aggregation to protect privacy start at about 25, a typical 3-level organization. In smaller numbers, individual responses become increasingly easier to identify