In preparing data for OrgScope, as for any digitized information hierarchy, each unique ID node record must contain the ID of its parent record in the same data set—except the top element, the root, that has no parent. This is a “node-link” record. These parent/child elements can be found in most HR-Financial data systems
The Core Hierarchy of “Node-Links”
When positions are hooked together by the pattern of one exclusive link (e.g., a direct reporting relationship), they form a formal “containment hierarchy.” This is the org chart, but it is also the complete classification system for this unique organization, the basis for it’s common language as well as it’s “end-of-the-day” accountability structure. Only two data points, in the correct order, are required to reveal this core structure of organizational containers.
A root whole is the required starting point node for nested whole/part relationships that unfold within the largest container (e.g., Eleum, Inc.) represented by a position (CEO)
An organization and its sub-orgs is a set of nodelinks connected to a root node. A root perspective is a point of reference that can be established at any node in a network, including an organization root of one.
A group is the first level of association for unit parts
A unit part is the smallest uniquely identifiable element node required to represent networks of people, places, and positions