Node Taxonomy

4D Nodes
An organization of groups and positions has a root manager position (e.g., CEO) that represents a whole of 3 or more levels. An organization may have multiple sublevels of “orgs” represented by “executive” managers
A group of positions is a 2-level cluster of 1-degree-of-separation relationships among a set of positions, represented by a “line” manager. This position representing the group is the superior authorizing the “paycheck link” for one or more subordinate positions
A unit position is a job, an entity belonging to an organization and enmeshed in a network of reporting relationships. It exists via personnel line items of direct reports at some organizational level. It is real as a funded position in the Finance system. An open position  becomes concrete when a person steps into a job
A unit place is the physical location of people, assets, resources—anything concrete occupying space on Earth. Places are addressable, both legally and by GPS, down to the level of a single-person desk or station, roughly a meter or yard square
A unit person is you and me, a very real, very 4D, concrete entity. I may take a position, but I am not my position. I do, however, have an independent mutually-exclusive employee ID in the HR system that is uniquely associated with me independent of the position I might occupy at a given moment
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Position is Central to a Network Model of Organization

Positions, jobs, can stand for, can represent, all the other key node types: people hold positions, which gives them a physical place; manager positions represent organizations and groups

When we map the network of positions, we are also bringing along all the other types of nodes that are part of a full model of organization. They are the “hidden” node mode types hiding “behind” the position node




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