1. Totals: We count the total number of managers, and the total number of executive managers, who have other managers reporting to them.
2. Levels: We calculate the level of each position, its "degree of separation" from the top, and map the llevel profile of the organization.
3. Size: We measure the size of each organization by counting all the direct and indirect reporting relationships of each manager, thereby identifying the "Size Hubs".

4. Span: We measure span for each manager, the number of reporting links, which is the first line of team communications, and identify the "Span Hubs".
5. Place: We count the number of member locations of a management team; more than one location reveals a virtual team.
6. Hotspot: We combine all three measures to pinpoint the "hotspots," positions with greatest formal management difficulty.
Analyze your organization chart
OrgScope generates metrics for each position relative to the network of all the positions. Network numbers are counts of nodes and links in an interdependent configuration. These measures are immediately useful. They offer a powerful, shareable, relatively objective view of the whole organization, with a zoom down to the individual level of detail.
The first six metrics are based just on the hierarchy network and represent the most formal organization metrics. As more nodes (e.g., contractors) and links (e.g., matrix, process, and group relationships) are added, new network metrics are generated and will be compared to these six as a baseline. These are metrics of position, but positions are held by people who live in the intersection of positional responsibilities and personal capabilities.